Monday 3 December 2012


On December 7, my husband and I will be moving to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories from our current home in Leduc, Alberta just outside Edmonton.  It is not exactly a voluntary move.  My husband's company gave us the choice of  a transfer to Yellowknife (the territorial capital) or an even more remote village called Inuvik on the edge of the Beaufort sea.  We chose Yellowknife as the lesser of two evils.  We are expected to stay for a minimum of 2 years.

We have never lived this far north and it is both exciting and scary to contemplate.  I have chosen to focus on the exciting part and try to not dwell on the more scary aspects.  My mother-in-law challenged me to start a blog to share my experiences as I embark on this great adventure so here I am!

Like the beautiful Snowy Owl pictured above, I hope I will eventually adapt and thrive in the north.  Right now I will just concentrate on preparing for the movers to arrive to pack up all our belongings at the end of this week.

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