Tuesday 18 December 2012

Moving In - From Order to Chaos and back to Order (gradually)

The moving truck finally arrived on December 14 and we spent the weekend moving into our new apartment.  Here are some pictures of it before and after we moved in.  Of course we still have a lot of unpacking to do but we will get there eventually.
I will show you the more pictures later because the moving company just took the left over boxes away today and I have to drop some things off at thrift store because we don't have room for everything here.

Before the boxes and furniture arrived:

View off balcony to the left and moving truck

View off balcony to the right


Entrance and closet

Outside hallway.  Door leads outside to parking lot.


Living Room
After the furniture and boxes arrive.
David setting up bedroom

Unpacking bathroom supplies

Jammed hallway
Unpacking kitchen supplies

More kitchen unpacking
And more kitchen unpacking

Arranging living room

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